Spider-Man 3 (2007) - Christopher Young 
(original theme by Danny Elfman)
Orchestrated by Pete Anthony, Bruce Babcock, Tom Calderaro, Kostas Christides, Brad Dechter, Jon Kull, Sean McMahon, Sujin Nam, Patrick Russ, David G. Russell, Edgardo Simone, Martin St. Pierre, Steve Bartek, Jim Honeyman, Erik Lundborg, Gernot Wolfgang

1M1 P2 v2.12.07- Main Title – (Elfman/Young) 
1M2REV P3 v.F2 Opening Montage REV
1M4 P3 v.F1 Peter & Harry After Play
1M5 P1 v.F1 Peter & MJ After Play
1M5 ALT P1 v.F1 Peter & MJ After Play
1M5A P1 v.F1 Harry In Lab/Web/Meteor 
1M6 REV P4vF2 Marko Evades Police
1M7 P1 v19 Daughter Gives Flynt Locket
1M8 Aunt May Gives Peter Ring
2M9 Harry Confronts Peter - (first fight)
2M9 ALT. Harry Confronts Peter - (first fight) 
2M9a Harry Unconscious P1 - V23 Feb.22
2M10 REV P2VF1 Flynt Chased by Police and Dogs
2M10 ALT P2VF1  Flynt Chased by Police and Dogs 
2M11 OL INS REV (1-7) P1vF1 Flynt Starts to Transform
2M11 Flynt Starts to Trans. P1-VF1 
2M12 P1 v.F1 Peter Sees Harry in Hospital
2M13 Rev 2 Birth of Sandman ALT 
2M13 REV P1VF3 Birth of Sandman REV
2M13 P1VF1 Fix
2M14 P2 - VF1 Peter Leaves MJ Alone in Apartment 
2M16 P2VF1 Spiderman Saves Gwen
2M17 P1 v.F1 Gwen Watches Spidey Leave
2M17 P1 - V.F1 Gwen Watches Spider-Man Leave (Elfman)
3M18 Harry Comes Home P1 VF 1
3M19 Harry Remembers Daddy P1 VF 1
3M19 REV Harry Remembers Daddy P1 VF 1
3M22 P1vF1 MJ Gets Fired
3M22 REV P2vF1 MJ Gets Fired REV
3M22 ALT P2vF1 MJ Gets Fired
3M23 Keys to the City
3M24 P1 v21 Sandman in Dump Truck
3M24 Sandman in Dump Truck (INSERT) 
3M26Rev P1VF1 Sandman Crashes Party
3M30 P2 v.F1 Peter Leaves MJ Message
4M31 P1 v.17 Flashback Uncle B.'s Murder
4M31 REV (A min) Flashback Uncle B.'s Murder
4M31 P2VF3 Flashback Uncle Ben.'s Murder
4M32 REV (New m.1-52) P4 v.32 SM Trans./Black Suited Spidey
4M32 REV R4 v.27 SM Trans./Black Suited Spidey
4M33 REV Black Spidey Destroys Eddie's Camera REV
4M34 REV2 P1v32 Tunnel Fight/Black Suit In Truck REV2
4M35 P1v27/vF1 MJ Walks Alone
4M38 REV P2v.27 MJ Visits Harry REV
4M40 REV P4v27 Harry and MJ Kiss/Talk with Dad REV
5M41 Harry Goblin Grabs MJ
5M42 REV P1 - V25 MJ and Peter Break-up
5M42 ALT. P1 V30 MJ & Peter Break Up
5M43 Peter Tempted by Black Suit
5M43A Apt Fight 
5M44 Peter Walks Down the Street
5M45 REV P1v25 Peter Busts Eddie Brock REV
5M47 REV P1v25 Sandman Emerges from Drain REV
5M47A P1 v.15 Sand Castle
6M52 P1 v.F1 Black Spidey/Church
6M52 ALT P5 v25 Black Spidey/Church
6M52A REV v.F1 Peter In Shower
6M52B REV P2 v.32 Peter Gives Ring Back
6M53 REV P1 VF1 Sandman Meets Venom
6M54 REV P1v29 Peter at MJ's Window REV
6M54 ALT2 v29 Peter at MJ's Window
6M55 Venom Sting
6M56 P1vF1 News Report/MJ Taken Hostage
6M57 P1 v.32 Peter Begs Harry to Help
6M58 MJ in Taxi Web 
6M59rev.2 Final Battle Part 1 (Elfman)
6M59 REV.2 Final Battle Pt. 1
6M60 Final Battle Pt. 2 
6M61 Final Battle Pt. 3
7M62 P1 vf2 Final Battle Part 4
7M62 P1vF2 Final Battle Pt. 4 Insert
7M63 P1 VF2 Final Battle pt. 5
7M64 REV VF3 Marko's Remorse/Harry Dies REV
7M65 P1v36 Harry's Funeral
7M67 REV2 P2VF3AA Happy Ending REV2 (Elfman)
7M67 Happy Ending (ALT END)
7M68 End Tag
7M69 End Web 
7M70 Black Is the Color

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